Saturday, December 19, 2009

Walking in a Winter Wonderland

Can you say Let it Snow!?

This was taken about 11:30 Friday night. It had been snowing for less than an hour.

We in the mid-atlantic are just not used to that much snow all at once. A couple of inches, enough to tease, that is usually what we experience. And after the event the snow usually disappears after a day or two. So the storm we are getting today is quite unusual, but wonderful!

This photo was taken a couple of hours ago. About 12 hours after the first.

The boys have had fun playing, making forts, sledding, snow shoveling, and just enjoying the deluge of snow. And while they were outside, I was busy making this:

A big pot of Minestrone, yum, yum, yum! It was ready right at lunchtime, right in time for the boys to come in and take a break. And now after getting warm and drying the clothes they are going back our for round number two. Fun, frolic in the snow!

Walking in a Winter Wonderland! Let it Snow, let it snow, let it snow!!!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Out with the old...

Big news today. Our new stove was delivered.

Out with the old:

Functional. This one was a bit over 10 years old, no convection, not self-cleaning, very simple.

In with the new:

Just look at the center, the number of buttons! I am reading the manual and am confused. This stove is courtesy of my MIL and FIL, so a big THANK YOU to them.

Since it is suppossed to snow tomorrow, the boys and I did some food shopping. We got the fixings to make Minestrone and cook a chicken and mashed potatoes. I'll either burn these to a crisp or learn a bunch about the oven. I am hoping for the learning.

And for all who are local, do you think my snowflake garland worked? A friend of mine told me she was making a sun garland, LOL. I spent the afternoon with this friend and had a good time chatting while the kids played and laughed and sang, sort of. It was good to have a relaxed afternoon and good company.

It's been awhile since we have had a really good snowfall, but tomorrow may be just the thing. So happy sledding, skiing, snow ball fighting!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Star Garland

I am excited, a new blog!

So for the debut here I will reveal a newly completed project. Actually this star garland has been up for a couple of days. It was inspired by attic24. Lucy received her inspiration from here:

My garland was made from Queensland Hyacinth cotton yarn, purchased from here:

So are you ready?

What do you think? I am hoping the snowflakes inside translate into snowflakes outside!