Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Happy Birthday America

So how did you spend our countries' birthday? Thanks to my in-laws, we were fortunate enough to spend our Fourth partaking in this:

Eating crabs is a wonderful thing. I say that, but after 3, I was done. Palmer ate none, Dempsey ate one. Hubby ate a few more - we don't count how many he eats!

Courtesy of my sister in law, we also had the pleasure of water play.

On a VERY hot Monday, we spent another afternoon at the ball fields. Dempsey is part of one of the All Star teams for the town.

The outcome wasn't one we wanted, they lost. The good news is it is a double elimination tournament. So they get at least one more chance. That chance will come later this week. Here's hoping they do better!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Hiking at Catoctin National Park

Yesterday in Central MD was a gorgeous day - not too hot, not too humid. What a treat!

Dempsey, Palmer, and I took advantage of the nice day and did some hiking in Catoctin Mtn. National Park. This hike ties into our learning about Leonardo daVinci. Why are we learning about daVinci? We are going to see an exhibit on him at the National Geographic Museum in DC in August.

This is the beautiful view the Thurmont Vista has to offer. True to form, the boys said they could see the ball fields from here.

Our job was to observe nature, just as Leonardo did when he was a boy. Dempsey spotted this "flutterby" along our path. Our path was very pretty as you can see here:

Our final destination was Wolf Rock. While we never got as close to Wolf Rock as Dempsey would have liked, we did have a nice place to sit, have a rest and a snack before making our way back to the car. The sky was such a pretty blue.

How fortunate I am to be able to spend days like this with my boys!