Saturday, August 27, 2011

Opening Day!

So, Palmer made his grid iron debut today!  You all know I don't publish photos that can share too much info and I don't think I am comprimising that by sharing this.

 Here he is, all suited up and looking to take the ball away!

Palmer's game was cut short due to time, which stunk.  But his team did really well against their opponent. 

Please say a prayer for a player from our town, another division.  He was taken to the hospital for a concussion.  This little guy is about a year older than Palmer.  Not the way you want a season to begin.

I will say, it is exciting to see your son carry the ball well(Palmer did have a couple carries, one that was really good!).  And he does look cute in all the gear!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

How much would you spend?

A bit ago Dempsey took a test.  It wasn't a big deal.  It wasn't for a grade.  It wasn't a pass/fail thing.  It was a test for entrance into the JHU CTY(Center for Talented Youth) Program.  The results confirmed what we, and everyone who knows him, already knew.  The kid is SMART!  Needless to say, he was accepted.

The test results brought about mixed emotions from Dad and me(OK, mainly me).  Pride was prevalent.  But there was also apprehension and panic.  I mean, how in the world could I home school this smart guy?  I must make sure to challenge him every day, must find the perfect school books, must have in depth studies of all subjects, must teach all subjects, must, must, must!  But then the following revelation hit...he was just as smart the day, week, year before he took his test, and I had been his teacher.  Before test day, that had been the most desirable solution because we suspected we knew Dempsey to be really smart.  So why wasn't it good enough now?  Aghhhhhh.  Breath a sigh of relief. 

As a former member of the JHU CTY(which was known as G&T when I was young), I remember taking classes with other JHU kids.  They were fun and I fit in.  I was pretty excited to know that Dempsey could have fun, be challenged.

As a member of the JHU CTY, you are offered classes to challenge your brilliant, beautiful, brainy, child - for a slight fee.  That isn't so slight.  Try $600 - $700 for a class!!!! 

So here is my question - How much are you willing to spend on your child's education?  This is more for the home schoolers out there.  We already pay for everything!  I am not complaining, just stating a fact.  So how much would you spend?