Tuesday, February 9, 2010

No boys

The boys were in Florida this past week so the house was very quiet. They went to Kennedy Space Center and had a great time. As a bonus to seeing all the great stuff from NASA, they also saw alligators, armadillos, and a pig!

They also went to Sea World where they fed the dolphins and sting rays and then stopped in St. Augustine.

While they were gone, I worked. For fun I tackled a very special project. It has to be a secret for now as it is a present for one of the ones who are not home. It was good to have this secret project to do because it focused my attention on getting the project done rather than the boys being gone. And, dh was busy with scout stuff and work so he wasn't much company.

I couldn't wait until the boys got back. But, they're being gone was good too. Not that I had doubts, but their abscence confirmed to me that my life is on the right track. Being a mom to two wonderful boys is exactly what I want to be doing! Sacrificing career and income is the best thing I can do at this point in my life. My income right now is watching my two beautiful boys flourish, watching the world through their eyes is a God-given honor and blessing, not to be taken for granted. I missed them so much and could not wait to give them great big hugs!

That said I am so thankful to my in-laws for letting the boys go on this trip with them, for giving the boys an opportunity to see some really neat things. I remember going on a couple of trips with my grandparents, and love those memories. So I hope that the boys will hold fond memories of this trip because they are with their grandparents.

The boys are home now, enjoying ALL of the snow we have and anticipating all the snow we are going to get. They house is full of boy noises. Ahhh, bliss has been found!!

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