Friday, August 13, 2010

Felted Basket

Dempsey and I went to a NEW yarn store last weekend Yarn, yarn, and more yarn. Much to my delight, they had a decent amount of crochet patterns and were not snobs when I told them I crocheted, like other yarn shops can be. I do not understand it. I can buy yarn just like a knitter. And as one of my friends points out, I need to buy more since crocheting uses 1/3 more yarn. But this yarn store appreciates fiber artists of all genres, and the casual shopper too!

One pattern that caught my eye was for a felted basket. It is by Fiber Trends and includes a pattern for a felted rug and baskets of two sizes. I opted to make the smaller basket first.

These two pictures are of the basket before the felting process. Floppy and full of holes.

The basket made up quick enough. The instructions were clear, after the first step. And the first step was clear, just awkard and unusual. I had to stop myself from thinking and just follow directions. Awkard.

But following the directions yields the following:

I really like the yarn I used, however the next time I make this basket, I will chose a more chunky yarn. I think that would make the end product more stiff than what this one turned out to be. I guess that means another trip to the yarn store.......:)

1 comment:

  1. Marie, this is so sweet. Love it! I might have to try to do this type of felting when I finish the big blankie project.
