Saturday, October 2, 2010

And the mystery place was:

I'll give you a couple hints. See if you can guess....

We got up early. As proof, we were in the car and had driven 1/2 hour when we were treated with this beautiful sunrise.
So clue number 1: You have to get up early to see this.

Did that help? Well, how about this - Clue number 2: We were in Albuquerque.
Figure it out yet? We went to the 39th Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta. At 7:00AM they have what is called "Mass Ascension". What a site! Hundreds of hot air balloons in the air, all shapes, colors, and sizes.
Yes, you do see a soda can in the air!
And, just for the record, if you had asked if I ever thought I would see the Balloon Fiesta I would have answered, "When pigs fly!" Well, what do you know. :)

It really is a site to see. Every balloon is different. Seeing them so close is fantastic.

Some of the balloons are the traditional shape we have all come to know. But some of the balloon makers get quite creative.

Dempsey and Palmer just can't take their eyes off the sky!


I'll leave you with the knowledge that the balloon in the commercials really exist. Maybe aerial scenes are shot at the Fiesta.
This was totally unplanned. Hubby was reading a New Mexico guide we picked up at the Visitor's Center and learned that the Fiesta was beginning this weekend. We completely lucked out. And as I eluded to before, after the festival we had some really good Mexican food. Yum! So despite the interent deficiencies we experienced, Albuquerque was neat.

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