Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Coming to an End

So, we were in Russellville, AR and had completely unreliable internet! One moment I would be logged into the network, the next I wouldn't be. Yesterday we began our day in Oklahoma City. What a neat little town. It is really nice downtown. We stopped in to see the OKC Memorial for the bombing that happened in 1995. How very moving. Everything is placed in a certain position for a reason. You get the feeling that the memorial was painstakingly planned out. We know it is painstakingly maintained for we witnessed garderners clipping grass by hand. The groundskeepers are very respectful of visitors, stopping their work as you approach the area they are in and waiting for you to pass.
This tree stood on that day in April, in a parking lot across the street from the Murrah building. As you can see it survived and is now called The Survivor's Tree.
We were surprised to learn that the memorial receives no federal dollars for maintenance. It seems for all the money our government throws away that it could contribute to this very important memorial.
From OKC, we traveled east across Oklahoma to Fort Smith, Arkansas.

This was, at one time a fort set up by the US to help bring the law to the western most state in the union. It sat on the border of Arkansas and not Oklahoma, but Indian Territory.
After Fort Smith, we spent the night in Russellville, AR as previously mentioned.
Today, we went to Fox, AR to see where my dad was born, raised, and now lies forever. Sorry folks, no pictures. It was nice to be able to show the boys where part of their family comes from.
Even though we won't be home for another couple of days, our trip to unfamiliar places is over. Hubby no longer has to research hotel prices and availability in places where we think we may be. We will be with family, in a place we know, in a town we know. I've said this before, but while this trip has been fun and we have seen some great things, it will be a relief to be somewhere familiar!
I will be taking a few days off. But once home, will get back to posting again. Thanks for "coming along" on this fantastic journey with us. Check back to see what other adventures our family undertakes!


  1. Thank YOU so much for taking us along and sharing this wonderful adventure with us. I know that the kids and I loved seeing all the pictures and learning about all the places you visited! I can't wait to see you all and hear about more in person. Have a great time with family and we will pray for continued safe travels. Maryland is waiting with open arms! ((hugs))

  2. Have fun with your family and big hugs to everyone. Looking forward to seeing you in a few days!!! Thanks for sharing your trip with us. We really enjoyed checking in with you. Safe travels, friends.

    In our prayers,
