If you are looking for what we have been up to, you'll have to scroll down. Sorry. That comes from me trying to post, but having such awful internet, well you know the story! :)
Today is the first day I haven't taken any pictures in 29 days. But that doesn't mean today was any less special.
We left New Mexico and are now in Oklahoma City. While driving, we took a slight detour to see a very blessed young woman. One of my neighbor's daughter's was in a bad car accident a bit over two weeks ago. We took some time to visit her, her husband, and my friend. Thank you to them for letting us stop by and say hello. We will continue to pray for your recovery. :)
Tomorrow it is on to Fort Smith, Arkansas. No more big cities for the next couple of days. So posting may be a bit spotty. We'll just have to play it by ear.
The traveling is winding down. By this time next week we will have been home for a day. Home. We can already tell we are getting closer. When we had been in Oklahoma for about an hour, I woke up(yes, I took a cat nap in the car, at least I wasn't driving!), and noticed I SAW GREEN! There were green, tall, deciduos trees along the road side. There was grass, green grass that had been cut, along the road side and in the median. Grass - short, roughly manicured, grass! Green grass! I cannot express the joy, the sense of calm, the relaxation that I felt. Wow. I knew everything was brown. I knew everything was dry. I had noticed, even admired the rock that made up the landscape. I also knew I missed the green. In talking with hubby a few days ago, we had wondered when things were going to change. We knew we were in a dry dessert climate. But we know that in central Arkansas, where we will be Tuesday, it is green and forrested. Where would the change occur? We began to see the change happening today. What a relief. I think I have my color for Oklahoma(Every state has a color that represents it. More on that later.)!
Home is getting closer each day. The boys and I have been gone a month and by this time next week we will be getting back in a groove. Hopefully not too much of a groove. The sense of adventure that comes with every day is exciting. I think the four of us will agree though, it will be nice to know where we will be sleeping each night. It will also be nice to go to a closet to get our clothes and not a suitcase!
If I knew you were missing "green" so much, I would have tried to figure out how to post my comments in green! :) {{{hugs}}} Keep on truckin' folks!