Thursday, September 30, 2010


Here is a glimpse of Arizona! What a pretty day we had, not a cloud in the sky. This part of Arizona gets, on average, 9 inches of rain a year. So lots of sunshine, and again, very dry - do you know you don't need coasters out here? Drinks do not condensate!
Today's first stop was Meteor Crater. So many thousands of years ago, a meteorite crashed into the earth and created this crater.

For your reading pleasure, you can read some interesting facts about the crater. It was pretty neat to see. It really is big, but it is hard to get perspective as to just how big when your standing at the side. But knowing the depth is greater than the Washington Monument is tall helps!
While we have been in Arizona, we have been shadowing Route 66. A couple of nights ago, we ate at a restaurant right on Route 66. Today, we passed this:
How adorable! Of course the boys wanted to stay in the wigwams, but our day just wasn't over yet.
We had more to see at:

Wood turned to rock: a little water, a little sand and sediment, a whole lot of time!

Next to the Petrified National Forest is the Painted Desert.

We didn't have time to see much of either park, so we will be going back tomorrow. If what we saw today was any indication, we have more Wow moments ahead.
We are in week four of this terrific trip. While we are having fun and seeing some great things, we do miss home and the people we love. Living out of a suitcase is a bit old, as is changing hotels every night.
The things we are seeing and the experiences we are having, make it worth the packing and unpacking. We now understand the whole "it's a dry heat" thing. And the boys are learning more about the geography of this country than they could sitting at home.
We are also learning that people in Rhode Island must be really happy because they don't leave their state! That is the only state we have left to find for the license plate game. :)
Oh, and are you wondering why in the world this post is titled "Eagles"? Well, we went through Winslow, Arizona today. Hubby kept saying he had a certain song going through his head! On the way to Winslow, there is a billboard inviting you to stand on a corner! How cute!

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